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DMIT Test for Children

DMIT Test for Children based on Important Parenting Tips. This is the complete Brain analysis which is uniquely adaptive, instinctive and responsive based on their needs and skill sets. 3 to 10 years is the ideal education must be holistic and really should facilitate the guidance based their learning style. The absolute education for almost any child involves equivalent participation from both sections of the brain. Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test Influence on creativity and analytically thinking from the left & right sides of your brain. The capabilities must be gathered and focused with the right multiple intelligence test for kids. DMIT test provides a scientifically proven assessment program that will takes into every child unique potential. DMIT Report Provide Right Parenting Tips towards developing of specific core expertise from the childhood.

Benefits of DMIT Test for Corporate Employees

• Pre employment screening

• Find the exact right person for your right job.

• Discover employees’ possibilities, maximizing efficiency & effectiveness.

• Evaluate your current manager’s performances & core competencies

• HR training & development based on Employee Abilities

• Know your employee Leadership Style and qualities

• Know your internal abilities your employee’s

• Reduce operating cost & maximize corporate value.

• Know your employee Personal Quotients IQ-EQ-AQ-CQ-SQ

• Know your employee Planning and delivery style

• Develop an all star employees.

• Reorganize the employed pool for high productivity.

• Entrust your staff member who has got the most potential.

• Improve human resources & customer management more efficiently.

DMIT Career Guidance Test

Career Guidance Test is a study of multiple intelligence. MI Theory is invented by Dr. Howard Gardner. According to Gardner people have various kinds of intelligence. In fact he thinks there are about eight different types of Multiple Intelligence. We almost all have most of these Multiple Intelligence. We will be often better in certain intelligence than some others. It’s essential to know regarding this Multiple Intelligence. So you could continue to acquire the ones you already very good at, and to be able to improve your some other Multiple Intelligence. All these multiple intelligence will define the Career Personality Test.

Benefits of Career Guidance Test

1.Identify your core multiple intelligence

2.Understand your natural talents and character traits

3.Identify the most suitable Career field and leadership styles.

4.Know your EQ, IQ, CQ, AQ, SQ based on Career Guidance Test

5.Know your Work Management Style based on Career Guidance Test

6.Know you’re suitable Department based on your MI Theory

Introspective, Interactive and Analytical Intelligences based on McKenzie Theory

7.Know Your Personality Types suitable for career based on Holland’s Theory

8.Identify your core competencies and develop according Career Guidance Test.

What is Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test.?

It’s also Called DMIT Test

Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence test is a truly scientific study of the fingerprint patterns. This will help in understanding a great individual’s potential & personality Type. Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) is based on understanding from Neuroscience, Genetics, Dermatoglyphic, Psychology and Embryology. DMIT Test Assessment method has been formulated by scientists and Medical experts. DMIT Test has accepted by Entire world and also from renowned universities. Medical experts and Approved clinical experience confirmed that finger prints provide accurate analysis of humans Multiple Intelligences and inborn potential. Traditionally only IQ test is used to be a measurement tool for degree of intelligence. Now Dermatoglyphic Multiple Intelligence Test Using in the field of School college and educational institutions. Human resource management. Children memory Enhancements Programs. Career Guidance and Career Counseling